Liebster Award!

Wow! I am honored to have received this award from the gorgeous,Michailah, at The Original Culture. Thank you so much for noticing The Traveling Blog and for the award!

The Rules!
-Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award
-Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger
-Give 11 facts about yourself
-Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)
-Let the bloggers know you have nominated them
-Give 11 questions to them to answer

Here are Michailah's 11 questions:

1. What makes you feel alive?
Wow, you picked one of the hardest things I always question. What makes me feel alive is the continuous love I receive from my family, my boyfriend, friends, and the Queen. I am so thankful for each person that loves me and takes time out of their day to have a chat with me. I am so grateful to know that I am loved no matter what mistakes I make. I have my parents unconditional support for the big decision I made to move out of state and know that they are always there for me even when I am thousands of miles away. This love makes me feel alive.

2. What is your favorite era?
I believe I love the 20s-30s. I love the glitz and how proper things were back then. The ladies were classy and the men were coy gentlemen. The music was amazing. No reliance on technology.

3. Where would you like to live in 3 years?
I will answer this question as unrealistic as possible, Brighton. You can thank Zoella for that one.

4. What kind of phone do you have?

5. Why do you blog?
I love to write. I always have. I think that I am capable of writing about things that people would be interested in. I also have a lot of things that I am passionate about! I would even want to share with the world any exciting things that are going on in my life. This goes for all of the people that also participate in my blog. I love that we all get to share so many ideas and opinions on one blog.

6. What is your favorite color and why?
Purple. Can anyone really explain why they like their favourite colour? I just like it. It looks great in a home, on a person, and on paper. It is a feminine colour, but not as girly as pink is. 

7. Were you ever in a spelling bee? 
I think I could be! I am that grammar/spelling nazi that will correct you...even online. Sorry in advance.

8. How old are you?
23 years young.

9. What is your dream job?
I have a lot...make up artist for my favourite celebrity or Cirque Du Soliel, professional blogger, wildlife photographer, work with animals by doing veterinary research, or a pediatrician. Yeah...I am all over the place.

10. What is your favorite post from your blog so far?
This is a really hard question since there are posts on my blog that are not written by me. I know it is expected that I pick one of my own, but there is one that I love and was so excited to have published! That is the post titled "How to make your life, your life!" It was written by my boyfriend's cousin, Paulina. She hails all the way from Germany and had a lot of positive advice on living your life. Click here to read the post! Danke Paulina<3

11. If you could only eat one dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cheese Pizza!

11 Facts about me:

1. I own the coolest pet ever, a chinchilla. Follow her on instagram: @queen_chili_the_chinchilla !

2. I used to dance and my favourite style of dance would be lyrical.

3. I am licensed (in Illinois) for cosmetology.

4. I am the oldest of 4. I love them all, but am happy to call Queen Chili my only child. 

5. I live with my boyfriend in Utah. It has so far been quite the experience. Living with a boyfriend in a new has been a year here so far and I am still adjusting.

6. I am half Polish and half Mexican.

7. I love animals. Of all kinds, but am not too keen on the reptiles...or insects. Just the cute things.

8. I hope one day to travel to the United Kingdom.

9. I really do love to read, but with my job I find it hard to put aside any time for myself. 

10. Speaking of, I work for Wayfair! I love my job. 

11. I am from Illinois and am familiar with one of the greatest cities in the US, Chicago. I also lived in San Diego, CA for a very short time. I love the ocean and the mountains in Utah are lovely, but it is nothing like my home.

Blogs I Nominate!
Molly Mac
Simply Lyss
Little Miss Plus Size
11 questions for you!

1. What is your favourite holiday and why?

2. With money not being an option, what would you do to make the world a better place?

3.Name 3 artists I should listen to!

4. If I could get you 1 gift for Christmas, what would you like?

5. Let's be friends! Follow @thetravelingblog on Instagram and I will follow you back! Who else should I follow? What's your favourite Instagram account?

6. Thoughts on love during this generation?

7. Fame or true love?

8. Jennifer Lawrence, Shailene Woodley, or Melissa McCartney? Who do you love most?

9. What is your style like? 

10. Make-up staple product?

11. Which is better: taking a bath or having a shower?

Those are all my questions for you! I hope you like them and have fun answering them and learning a little about me! 

Michelle is a licensed cosmetologist with a passion for writing. She enjoys reading, writing, cooking, organizing things, listening to music, and video chatting her family and friends. Being a huge animal lover, she loves her chinchilla named Queen Chili and misses Delilah, her Goldendoodle who lives with her family. 

Where to find me:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr |


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